In this article you will learn our list of Top 5 Things That Makes a Woman Desirable. The isn't limited to just these 5, of course-- Hopefully these tips will help give guidance and opens the door for self-reflection while you embark on your journey to becoming a more refined woman. Ultimately for The Most High, and for ourselves to securely and productively operate in our role as Wife and Mother.
If you are unsure of where to start with your self-reflection, start with these 5 areas to study more in depth.

1. Takes care of her appearance
The understanding of this one often gets misconstrued. Taking care of your appearance doesn’t mean you have to be rich and wear expensive clothing that the next woman may not afford. A poor woman could be very well kept and femininely operate. Taking care of your appearance is being mindful of how we go throughout the day looking. Being clean and neat. Make sure your clothes are neatly pressed and ironed and everything is in good condition without tears and holes. A feminine woman is mindful of wearing clothing that shows off her womanly parts as if they’re on sale. Even her teeth are in a healthy condition. You would be surprised how many people don’t know how to properly care for their teeth. From head to toe, a feminine woman is conscious of her body and take very good care of herself. Inside and out. A man loves that! She smells nice. She has a gentle and patient attitude. When you’re in pain or discomfort it changes your whole attitude. Take good care of yourself so you can show up as your pleasant self. Proverbs 31:25 Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.

2. Be Courteous
I don’t think anyone likes rude people. Someone who has no consideration for others—interrupting conversations, watching a person drop their groceries and won’t attempt to help. Forget about it! There’s just something captivating about a hospitable woman. Her mission is to always make sure the people around her are comfortable and content. She finds pleasure in fulfilling the needs of those around her. Just watching a person do things with such ease really fills a man's heart with warmth and hope. The way a courteous woman speaks is always careful of offending and if that just so happens to be the case, she’s willing to do whatever it takes to make it right. Being around people like this is such a delight. It makes you want to be around them even more. Proverbs 31:15 She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. Proverbs 31:20 She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.

3. Be Teachable
Being a “Know-it-all” is a quick way to turn a man off!
No matter how pretty she is or how good her body looks. If you didn’t know something, you should have the confidence to admit it and the humility to ask for help. Very often do we, as women, think that we must know it all. If we don’t, it’s considered a "weakness". So, we go through life too proud to ask for help because asking for help makes us vulnerable. Another form of “weakness”. The moment we are too proud to be taught, we stop learning. It’s hard to reach your fullest potential. Why would a man be bothered? If you know it all, he’s wondering “What do you need me for?” A man deserves to feel wanted and needed. As do we. 1 Timothy 2:12 “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.”

4. Appreciate different perspectives.
A feminine woman is not afraid to be in the presence of different people, different backgrounds with different perspectives. No matter where she is, she can confidently be herself. She stands by who she is and what she believes but doesn’t force her ideas and thoughts on others. Being in the presence of people who have different perspectives is intriguing for her. Her understanding about life, societies and backgrounds is broader. Though she is secure enough in her own to say, “I don’t celebrate but you all enjoy”. She doesn’t live in a “bubble” to think that everywhere she goes people will think and be just like her. Disagreements aren’t scary and she’s able to voice her opinions without getting heated or shut down. Appreciating the differences of others. This makes her sophisticated and wholesome. Understanding and empathetic. These types of people are not hindered by their own beliefs. They’re able to coexist and be peaceable amongst all people and they appreciate her for exactly who she is. She’s intelligent and eloquent. She handles herself very well in social environments. A man wants to know if he can bring her around his colleagues and business partners for a professional dinner or fundraiser. She is graceful and charming. Even if she doesn't get to say much, her presence alone makes a statement. Making him look good amongst his peers. A man is proud to have a woman like this in his life and on his arm. The opposite of that is someone loud, rude, obnoxious, and rachet. Ready to go home because she doesn’t fit in. A man with good sense will avoid her with all his might. Proverbs 21:19 It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman.

5. Be skilled.
A woman who has many skills brings value to a marriage. She can sew, cook, bake, do hair, make skin care products, write, work well with team projects, etc. A man loves that. People get stuck on the cooking and cleaning skills as if that is all that makes a wife, but a man can appreciate a woman who is resourceful. She can make the money stretch and provide all the necessities of the family without breaking a sweat. She is busy with her crafts, so she doesn’t have time for drama or gossip, and he loves that about her. Just to say “My wife made that” or “My wife does that” is another area which makes a man proud to have you in his life. Opposite to that is a woman who is unsure of herself. Because she doesn’t have any skills or anything she is passionate about, she is insecure and needs lots of reassurance from him. It can be exhausting trying to make a person feel comfortable and confident. We as woman should never make it someone else’s job to make us feel sure of ourselves. That requires internal work. It puts lots of strain on a relationship. Nobody wants to deal with that. The last thing you want to be is toxically needy. With being insecure comes envy and jealousy. Accusations and restless nights. Trust is required to maintain a peaceful home. A woman who is comfortable with herself and her relationship with the Most High brings her that security and peace. She's at peace so the whole house is at peace. Proverbs 31:11 The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
Would you say you’re a desirable woman? If so, what makes you desirable?
There's so much more that makes a woman desirable. Seeking the scripture to know the biblical standard of what makes a woman Godly and wholesome is a topic filled with much depth and significance. Being desirable in hopes of attracting the husband hoped for and staying occupied in good works until he has found you.

This is another good one sis. I had to take several mental notes. Thanks for sharing!